Through a series of videos for you to practice at your own convenience, Valinda will guide you through 4, 1 hour long classes (including lectures) filmed LIVE with her!

You will learn about the Chakra system (The Eastern system of Energy along your spine...Chakra literally means wheel/energy center)

This series focuses on the the upper 4 chakras starting from the throat (speaking your truth) going up the third eye (Intuition) to the crown (your connection with the Divine) and then your Aura (what you attract/repel)

You will learn a Kundalini Yoga Kriya (set of exercises that produces a desired result) and Mantra (mind device) to balance each of these 4 chakras (energy centers)

You will learn a Kundalini Yoga Kriya (set of exercises that produces a desired result) and Mantra (mind device) for each of the 2nd/ 4 chakras.

In this series you will get practices that immediately:

Give you clarity and energy

Get rid of stress/anxiety

Calm the mind/help you be more intuitive

Help you feel more present and available to your partner/kids

Help you stop freaking out in your daily life!

These are easy Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Kriyas that give you INSTANT results!

A few things before we get started.

Make sure you have your space set up to do your practice:

1. Here are my 5 tips: 5 tips for creating your home Yoga/Meditation Practice

2. Also get in my BIG Group on Facebook! Conversations with my Soul Sisters: FB group

3. I will also add you to the Kundalini Yoga and The Chakras 5-8 Course: VIP/Private group if you are on Facebook.

4. Mark your calendar weekly to put aside 1 hour a week to do your practice (You may do it 1-3x per week).

5. Let's Do This!

Have you seen my super popular webinar the '7 secrets of Kundalini Yoga Revealed' here?: 7 Secrets of Kundalini Yoga Revealed

This is from my 1st Chakra course, but it's the same information: 

Zippy Course Tutorial:


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  • 1 File

  • Kundalini Yoga & The Chakras 5th Chakra (Throat) Vishuddhi meaning Purification

  • Kundalini Yoga & The Chakras 6th Chakra (3rd Eye) Ajna meaning Perception

  • Kundalini Yoga & The Chakras 7th Chakra: Crown of the head Sahasrara meaning Infininte

  • Kundalini Yoga & The Chakras 8th Chakra: Aura The space around the body Radiance