Work at your own pace using this 5 class mini-course. 

Each class is 20 minutes and focuses on Breathwork, Acu-Yoga, Energy Medicine and can be done in a chair. Refresh & Renew your mind by practicing these simple practices every single day!

Any Questions? Just email me: 

  • 5 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 1 File

  • Class #1 Energy Medicine, Acu-Yoga & Long Deep Breathing

  • Class #2 Self Renewal 6 postures, seated Lymph, Glandular, Immune systems

  • Class #3 Accessing the Source of Strength within YOU! Immune, brain & stress relievers

  • Class #4 Relieve, Relax & Recharge, pressure points 13 poses, 2 standing getting the body out of distress

  • Class #5 Hathalina class Simple Hatha postures with a 3 posture Meditation for the Heart Center